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The way we’ll cover these topics might be slightly different than you’re used to, though, because there isn’t a “formal” teaching curriculum — there aren’t any “monthly themes” or assigned readings where I’m telling you what you’re “supposed” to be focusing on.

Instead, after we lay the foundation of the concepts named above, the content of the container will emerge based on what each of you bring to our gatherings.

There’s no “pace” that’s expected of you, and I absolutely don’t facilitate or teach by shaming you.

This program is intended to support you in practicing aligning your decisions with your integrity, and to cultivate connection and ease in your most important relationships.

It’s a container where you can practice honoring the fullness of your humanity and the humanity of those around you.

I won’t be offering you how-to’s or “the” answers in this program (or in anything I do), but rather, I’ll be holding you as completely capable of discovering and playing with your own how-to’s. I’ll also offer you my curiosity, my own knowledge & learnings, and questions for reflection.