
Hey there! I'm Nic Strack! I wanted to do a quick video introduction of my Self, in case you’re not familiar with me or my work.

I am a Parenting Coach and I’m also a Self-Parenting Coach… I only work with people who’ve once been children (😂) who want to cultivate more intentional relationship with themSelves. It’s not required that you be a parent or want to become a parent to work with me; I work with plenty of folks who are not parents, who want to learn how to parent themSelves in ways that feel more aligned.

I’m really excited to be sharing Being & Becoming with all of you. I’m going to keep this short, as I said, so scroll down and if you have more questions, comments, concerns, or anything, please book a discovery call with me if this is something you’re interested in discussing further!

I’m really excited to connect with y’all and to support you through a year of your life… together! 

Thanks so much and I hope to talk to you soon! Bye!

Ok, on with the show — I’m SO glad you’re here! 👋🏽

[I’m going to level with you… I’m not into the idea of typing out a billion words to describe this program to you, so the information on this page is intentionally brief-ish, and I’m super willing to answer any & all of your questions on a live discovery call.]

Being & Becoming is a year-long group program which is set up for you to cultivate alignment, connection, and ease, while in community & conversation with the other group members and with me.

A lot of folks focus only on the “becoming” aspect of being a human, which can lead to a lot of striving-to-become-better at the expense of one’s humanity.

I am focused on holding both being and becoming from a place of regard, relating, and responsibility. (And psst… did you know? Often, the becoming is IN the being!)

Being & Becoming could be a supportive container for you if…

  • you want to cultivate a more intentional relationship with your Self

  • you feel ungrounded in and/or unclear about your core values, ideals, and guiding philosophies

  • you experience a gap between your integrity and in-the-moment decisions… often only realizing in retrospect that you wish you would’ve handled situations differently

  • you’re eager to connect with others who are also committed to doing inner work in order to experience more fulfillment

  • you love the idea of having consistent support from me & the others in the group throughout 2021

  • you’re ready to apply and integrate the wisdom you already have within you (aka - this isn’t a container for consuming information and not doing anything with it)

  • you want to live life in alignment with your values, not be told what you “should” be doing