In our 25 sessions over the course of the year, the 5 C’s of Bespoke Parenting framework will serve as the foundation of our work together. It’s a framework designed to orient you to the only person you can actually control in any meaningful way: YOU.

We’ll dig into each of your 5 C’s: what influences them, how they impact you, what shifts you want to experiment with as you explore & clarify your C’s, and more.

  • Compass: what guides the decisions you make?

  • Conditioning: how is your lived experience influencing you?

  • Context: what are the expectations you hold for & from your Self, others, and the world?

  • Competence: what skills & practices do you have and want to cultivate?

  • Capacity: what energy/resources do you have available to you?

We’ll also discuss these topics at length in this container, as they’re at the heart of the work we’ll be doing:

  • conscious choices, integrity, values

  • congruence & alignment

  • the Self & the will

  • responsibility, sovereignty, consequences

  • grief, grace

  • relationships & repair