HI HI HI! 👋🏽 Welcome!

I’m Nic, and I’m going to level with you — I’m not into the idea of typing out a billion words to describe this program to you, so the information on this page is intentionally brief.

Preparing For Parenthood is a 10-session group program which is set up for you to clarify your guiding parenting compass and establish nourishing practices which will support you now and into parenthood.

Joining Preparing For Parenthood could be a supportive choice for you if you:

  • intend to become a parent one day, but aren’t one yet

  • know you want to parent intentionally but don’t know where to start with that

  • recognize that cultivating an intentional parenting relationship with your child requires that you have an intentional relationship with your Self

  • want to cultivate more Self-understanding and less Self-judgment

  • seek to connect with others who are also committed to “parenting before becoming parents” as it were

  • would love some consistent support from & connection with other intentional pre-parents and me from late April through August, 2021