WELCOME! 👋🏽 I’m SO glad you’re here.
I’m Nic, and I’m going to level with you — I’m not into the idea of typing out a billion words to describe this program to you, so the information on this page is intentionally brief.
Parenting Is Personal is a 10-session group program which is set up for you to cultivate Self-awareness & apply it to your daily life, while in community and conversation with other group members and with me.
Joining Parenting Is Personal could be a supportive choice for you if you:
are a parent
feel ungrounded in and/or unclear about your core parenting values, ideas, and philosophies
have a tough time making sustainable changes in your life, and often only realize in retrospect that you wish you would’ve handled situations differently
seek to connect with others who are also committed to doing the work of bespoke parenting (aka - custom-creating one’s own parenting style in alignment with their integrity and with regard for the humanity of all involved)
want consistent support from & connection with other intentional parents and me from late April through August, 2021